Polar Bear Style Fire Polish White Floral Lace Nails

Fire: Fire Polish and White Floral Lace Nails

It’s been a while since my last post or longer than I’d like at least…I’ve actually been in bed since Friday night until today, having caught a nasty flu that’s been floating around here lately. It wasn’t my best week. I couldn’t even eat anything for the first three days. For those of you who…

Polar Bear Style Red Roses Black Hearts Lace Nails

Roses and Hearts: Red Roses and Black Hearts Lace Nails

If this manicure looks familiar, it’s because it is and I actually created a similar look here. What can I say? I loved the look so much that I decided to use the rest of my red rose decals with some heart themed lace and a glittery red polish. The type of lace and the…

Polar Bear Style Electric Blue Nails Silver Leaves Winter Ladies

Electric: Winter Electric Blue Nails with Silver Leaves

So I moved a few months back and unpacking has its benefits like rediscovering items that have been sitting in the back of the closet or drawer for a while (a bit like seasonal clean outs). The electric blue polish was just such a discovery. I love the brightness and intensity of the color and…