Polar Bear Style: Burgundy Velvet Dress, Floral Scarf, Black Belt, Ankle Boots and Faux Leather Jacket

Burgundy Velvet Dress

Velvet definitely feels more like a fall/winter fabric and it works really well in those seasons because it provides some extra warmth, but I also enjoy wearing velvet for cooler spring or even summer days. A burgundy velvet dress in particular is something that can be layered really easily to create an elegant outfit. For example, you can always add a floral scarf and a faux leather jacket. Black pairs beautifully with red and the florals in the scarf are easy to tie into the rest of the look by matching one of the colors in the scarf to the dress. The combination is somewhere in between elegant and dressy so will work for most occasions.


Polar Bear Style: Burgundy Velvet Dress, Floral Scarf, Black Belt, Ankle Boots and Faux Leather Jacket


Polar Bear Style: Burgundy Velvet Dress, Floral Scarf, Black Belt, Ankle Boots and Faux Leather Jacket


Polar Bear Style: Burgundy Velvet Dress, Floral Scarf, Black Belt, Ankle Boots and Faux Leather Jacket


I actually took these photos before my trip, but there are definitely quite a few days where my outfit still looks like this. It is warming up, but very slowly. If you do live somewhere warmer, an easy way to transform this outfit is to ditch the leggings and the scarf.


Polar Bear Style: Burgundy Velvet Dress, Floral Scarf, Black Belt, Ankle Boots and Faux Leather Jacket


Polar Bear Style: Burgundy Velvet Dress, Floral Scarf, Black Belt, Ankle Boots and Faux Leather Jacket


Polar Bear Style: Burgundy Velvet Dress, Floral Scarf, Black Belt, Ankle Boots and Faux Leather Jacket


Thank you for reading. Be kind. Be you.


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