Polar Bear Style Vacation


When I left for my vacation about a month ago, I didn’t realize I’d be away from the blog and everything to do with it for such a long time. I thought that when I came back in a week and a half, I’d feel better and be refreshed enough to jump back into everything. I did feel better, but not a lot better and being away also gave me clarity I couldn’t have when I was always doing something and pushing myself beyond the limits of my health.


It’s so easy not to question things when you simply don’t have the time to do so, but that’s not a good way to be. I don’t have the best luck with my health and on a good day, I have 8-10 useful hours for meals, hygiene, mandatory chores like food shopping and studying including whatever else I can squeeze in. On a bad day, that number goes down to a couple of hours or no hours at all. When I push myself beyond that, the next day is invariably worse than the one before. And I’ve been pushing myself for a long time. I’ve always had this problem actually, but years ago, my health could take quite a few more hits than it can now. I think perhaps I’ve finally learned my lesson. I think perhaps I’m finally ready to put my health first, my family and loved ones second and passion projects third.


This brings me to my final point. This blog and all the things associated with it is a passion project and I can’t devote the same amount of time to it that I have without seriously damaging myself. I just can’t. I’m not abandoning it, but I will cut back. I don’t know exactly how often I will post just yet, but I’ll work it out. My health has taken quite a hit this year (on top of already being problematic) and I know that I’m in a place where if I don’t put it first, I may never get back any semblance of a normal life.


It took me so long to finally post this because I was struggling to find the words and hoping that I would be back to my more normal state and I could just keep going as I was going before. That doesn’t appear to be the case at the moment. I hope you can understand and you’ll still drop by the blog every once in a while because I will be posting, just not as often as before. This blog is important to me and if you’re reading this, then I’m so grateful. Thank you for being here and I hope that you’re not disappointed.


On a happier note, I thought I’d share a few photos from our trip. We didn’t take many since we wanted to be in the moment and not worry about things, but here are some of the ones we took.


Polar Bear Style Vacation


Polar Bear Style Vacation


Polar Bear Style Vacation


Polar Bear Style Vacation


Polar Bear Style Vacation


Polar Bear Style Vacation


Polar Bear Style Vacation


Polar Bear Style Vacation


Thank you for reading. Be Kind. Be you.