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5 Facts About Me

I was very nicely tagged for this post by Mykki. This is going to be a bit of an unusual post for me so thanks for the tag and here goes…


1. I’m studying at the Lassonde School of Engineering

This is something that might seem counter-intuitive to a style blog, but style has been a passion of mine for quite a few years before I started the blog. I like art of all kinds and this is another way in which I express myself and connect with the world.


As for the topic of my studies. I like to learn (though not in the particular way I am often taught, but one can’t have everything). I had a recent professor share a quote that described programming as a way to create something out of nothing, limited only by your imagination. Seeing some of what has been created with software and hardware (and especially a combination of the two) makes me feel like that’s a very apt description. And I love knowing more about that.


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2. My favorite type of music is metal and rock

Years ago, a friend was technically the one to get me into music in general and metal and rock in particular (although I did listen to it from time to time before). Clearly that was the type of music I felt closest to because it stuck through quite a few years and is still my favorite.


For some reason people are always shocked when they find out what music I listen to. I guess I just don’t look like the type. In fact, in high school when the topic came up, the popular guess was classical. I suppose the best way I can explain it is that I like intensity in much of the art I appreciate and music is no exception. Rock and metal is definitely intense.


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3. My favorite book (or set of books rather) is “The Lord of the Rings”

It might not be the best-written trilogy, but this one goes back to my childhood when it was read to me by my parents at an early age. My imagination ran wild in the world Tolkien created and I would dream up stories in it for many years to come. To this day, my favorite genre is Fantasy.


4. I’ve always dreamed of visiting Egypt

This is another point that has roots in my early years. The idea of Egyptian myths greatly appealed to me. They seemed both foreign and exotic, yet somehow relatable. To me they were like fantasy, but based in reality. When I grew up, I started researching and reading more about ancient Egypt and my love for this particular ancient civilization grew. I would love to see the remnants of its magnificence and I hope to do so sometime in the future.


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5. I am addicted to bubble tea

For those who don’t know what this is, it’s usually a tea-based drink (although it doesn’t have to be) with various additions. The one I’m especially partial to is tapioca (chewy balls made out of tapioca). I have no idea why I crave this drink or the chewy dessert so much, but I do. It’s one of the few things I actually have trouble going through a week without having.


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Thank you for reading. Be Kind. Be you.


I tag:



Away From The Blue Blog

