Polar Bear Style Utility Trend Camo Cargo Pants Combat Boots Red Sweater Faux Fur Jacket Choker

How to Wear the Utility Trend

Utility is one of the trends that’s coming back this year. I’m wearing it as a pair of camo cargo pants, but there are many other options from cargo pants in other colors to fun jackets with lots of pockets. This is a trend that I wouldn’t recommend buying into unless you genuinely like the look because it’s not as easy to wear. It goes with my personal style really well though, which is why you see me in the cargo pants here.


Polar Bear Style Utility Trend Camo Cargo Pants Combat Boots Red Sweater Faux Fur Jacket Choker


Polar Bear Style Utility Trend Camo Cargo Pants Combat Boots Red Sweater Faux Fur Jacket Choker


Polar Bear Style Utility Trend Camo Cargo Pants Combat Boots Red Sweater Faux Fur Jacket Choker


If you do end up investing in a utility piece, a good way to wear it would be to have the rest of your look consist of feminine items or classic pieces. The more casual items you add, the less feminine the look will become so if that’s not a vibe you’re going for, I suggest keeping it to one utility item. In the case of cargo pants, you could wear them with ankle boots and a delicate blouse or feminine sweater. I went for the more casual look by adding combat boots, but again, that’s just my personal preference. A red sweater is more androgynous, but a faux fur coat is definitely feminine and so is the choker. You can see that I still don’t go full-utility in my look.


Polar Bear Style Utility Trend Camo Cargo Pants Combat Boots Red Sweater Faux Fur Jacket Choker


Polar Bear Style Utility Trend Camo Cargo Pants Combat Boots Red Sweater Faux Fur Jacket Choker


Polar Bear Style Utility Trend Camo Cargo Pants Combat Boots Red Sweater Faux Fur Jacket Choker


Polar Bear Style Utility Trend Camo Cargo Pants Combat Boots Red Sweater Faux Fur Jacket Choker


Thank you for reading. Be kind. Be you.


If it speaks to you, I’m wearing:

Cargo pants, similar here, here, here and here

Combat boots, similar here, here, and here

Red sweater, similar here, here, and here

Choker, similar here, here, and here