Polar Bear Style Monochrome Orange Top Floral Skirt Choker Black Sneakers

How to Wear Monochrome

I think I’m really starting to get into the monochrome look. It feels classic and I enjoy the challenge of trying to make an outfit interesting despite only using one color. There are several ways to do this.


Polar Bear Style Monochrome Orange Top Floral Skirt Choker Black Sneakers


Polar Bear Style Monochrome Orange Top Floral Skirt Choker Black Sneakers


The first is by choosing a color that makes a statement on its own; this can be a bright color like orange, yellow or red or a rich jewel tone like burgundy, emerald or sapphire. Another way to spice things up is by choosing items that are the same color, but that still have a fun/pretty pattern. I went for florals on my skirt, but you can go for stripes, polka dots or any other pattern.


Polar Bear Style Monochrome Orange Top Floral Skirt Choker Black Sneakers


Finally, my favorite way to bring more life to a monochrome look, is with accessories like the choker you see on me (which I also wore here). Something like that is great because it has a wide variety of colors and can therefore be paired with pretty much anything. This characteristic makes it a nice statement piece that can make any outfit more interesting. What are some of your favorite ways to spice up monochrome looks?


Polar Bear Style Monochrome Orange Top Floral Skirt Choker Black Sneakers


Polar Bear Style Monochrome Orange Top Floral Skirt Choker Black Sneakers


Thank you for reading. Be kind. Be you.


If it speaks to you, I’m wearing:

Orange top, similar here and here

Orange skirt, similar herehere and here

Multi colored choker, similar here and here

Crystal sneakers, similar here and here