
Hello! I’m Ekaterina, but often go by Kathrin.

I’ve often been told that my sense of style is unusual (at least when I can find my muse). People have at times not been pleased (not because my outfit was offensive, but just because they couldn’t understand why it was so different from what they might wear). I’m not going to lie and say that it didn’t bother me. I’m no stranger to self-esteem issues. But when I tried to dig down into what made me happy, I realized that the path to that lies in discovering and being who I really am. I’m still on that path and I haven’t quite reached my destination, but I’m getting there. Fashion inspires me to be who I really am and to try to be open about it. It’s an art form that is intensely personal and yet is all about sharing and connection. We wear the clothes that were lovingly designed and crafted by someone in a way that is special to us, thus giving the world a glimpse of who we are and who we aspire to be.

I often find myself browsing through fashion blogs and other social media platforms and other people inspire me with their ideas and their unique styles. It took me a long time to be able to start a blog and even longer to get up the courage to start sharing videos, but I’m glad I did it. It’s still a struggle to be myself every single day and to share that person with the world, but it’s getting better. Sometimes, the best way to start something new that both thrills and terrifies you is to just jump in and go where the current takes you. I hope the current takes me to inspire you to show the world who you are even if not everyone will understand. You see me and I believe in you. We are all connected.

Thank you for reading. Be you. Always.